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"I would rather be ashes than dust! I would rather my spark burn out in a brilliant blaze than be stifled by dry-rot. I would rather be a meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy, permanent planet. The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time." ~Jack London

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

You Need To Know

I was so happy to share this blog with my family. I was happy that I gave my mom the link, and that she had the opportunity to check in on me whenever she wanted to. I was happy that she was reading what I was writing and talking to me about it. I wanted more people in my life to share that experience with me, to see the inside of my head, to understand what was going on behind my quiet, contemplative eyes. I wanted people to know the me that existed here, among these lines of realizations and observations.

So as more and more people began asking me about my writing, and myself, I began giving out the link to anyone and everyone who wanted it. It’s not that I mind sharing myself with any of them. I love that they can see this part of my life that has become so important to me. It’s just, I don’t know, that I find myself somewhat limited in what I’d like to say sometimes.

I read other blogs and hear time and time again how people wish that they could share their thoughts with the people in their lives. I didn’t want to have to wish that. I wanted to be brave enough to say, this is who I am and you need to know that. I wanted to be brave enough to say all of the things here that I’m not brave enough to say out in the real world. I wanted to be brave enough to be me.

But courage is a tough competitor. I can never seem to wrestle it down into me, and so what I find myself writing are not the words of admittance and honesty that I’d so like to release, but words of self approval that I wish I could more often accept. Nothing in this blog has been a lie, but it’s been a side of me that only plays one role in my life. There are so many other pieces of my story that I’m too afraid to admit, especially to myself. That, in and of itself, is a major factor of who I am. I am still a little girl who’s scared of reality.

As I read other testaments of truth, I find myself longing to express those things that I dare not speak of. Those issues with the way I look and the way that it haunts me, the way that it affects every move that I make in my life. Those issues with so desperately needing to be liked that I go out of my way to make sure that I don’t act inappropriately. Those feelings of unworthiness for everything good that I have that linger in my mind and soul every moment of every day. Those are the issues that I really want to discuss, to express, to open myself up to. Those are the pieces of me that I keep sheltered within the walls of my heart.

I’m not writing this to discourage my friends and family from reading. I’m so grateful that they – you – do. It’s just that I feel like I’m deceiving you, deceiving myself, into believing that I’m this wise young woman who has it all figured out. I’m not. I don’t have the answers. My life is not a constant myriad of epiphanies and beauties. My life has more to it than that. I have more to me than that.

I’m writing this because I know that this other part of me, this far less glamorous and inspirational side, needs to be expressed. I’m writing this in an attempt to muster up the courage to say all of those things that I need to say. I’m writing this to remind myself of the importance of dealing with the issues that I’ve put off dealing with for so long. Now is the time to deal with them. Now is the time to finally admit that this is who I am, and you need to know.


meghan said...

You are a brave and strong woman. Just writing that post proves that. I think what I have realized more than anything reading through other people's blogs is that we are all in so much pain and need so much to be seen and understood. I truly hope that you can share that part of you. There is a community here who will hold you gently as you do.

Claudia said...

You are so young, and by the sounds of it, you´ve experienced so much... and all this has made you who you are. You don´t have to be perfect and we all have our issues. This is one place you can work them out.
"I will write myself into well-being."(Nancy Mair)
Take your time, open up as much as you´d like or need to, we´re here.

Somnambulist Seeker said...

I have been wrestling with the same feelings about my own blog. Of course there are semi-anonymous internet friends who drop by to read it, but I have yet to hand over the URL to any but a small handful of my "real life" family and friends - for the same reasons you've stated.

It's hard. It's a level of transparency that to date I haven't had with some of them. Somehow, I fear I'd be branded a Kook.

I wish this could be an inspirational comment, but I don't have an answer to this. I just wish you all the Wisdom & Courage you need to make the right choices as you move ahead with your sharing...

gkgirl said...

its a hard row to hoe...

what to let out
what to keep in
what to hold onto
and what to let go of...

good luck with all your decisions

alan said...

Write what you like; your heart will show through no matter what it is, and it's your heart we are in love with...the essence of you!


Anonymous said...

I loved that you said, "I am still a little girl who’s scared of reality." Me too and I think I have 20 years on you! You are not alone in your desire to let down your defenses and really be seen for the person that you are. I love that you want to move toward the turbulence and doubt that you have in your soul. Know that there are many others, your companions, on the path awakening from fear with you.

Laini Taylor said...

I was glad to read your thoughts here. Having just started my own blog this week, I keep asking myself what kinds of things I want to write about, and then reading other people's blogs to try to figure out which I like the best, what I most enjoy reading about. It's a very interesting new experience for me, all these amazing peeks into the lives of amazing people -- it's kind of like looking at a big world map and all over it little lights start to light up and you know each one is a unique soul out there whose words you've read and whose heart you've gotten a little glimpse of, and it makes the world seem like a more real and interconnected place!

hollibobolli said...

That's funny, because it's your blog that I'm always envious of.. your ability to express so many things I wish I could write.. except for the people who read mine. And here you are wrestling with the same things. But there are things that even I haven't tackled on my "OB" because I just don't know if I'm ready for anyone to read about them yet..

You write whatever you feel comfortable with!!

MB said...

There are a few great truths about being alive and these include that we can be wonderful without be perfect and that we get to keep growing all our lives, even right up to our deaths. Go ahead, you've got lots of room to stretch if you feel like it. You've gotten something very good rolling here and there's room for it to shift and change as you do. None of us is static. And Frankie, you are wonderful, especially in your imperfections... I hope that makes some sense to you.

Anonymous said...

the opposite of fear (i.e., lack of courage) is Faith. once believed, yea known, fear is forever banished. you are on the right path.

tara dawn said...

None of us have all the answers. None of us have it all figured out. That is part of our journey, part of our struggle, and also part of our beauty. I think you are incredibly strong and courageous. To even write this post and begin exploring these issues for yourself shows courage…to have the desire to share these hidden facets with others…that is even greater courage. How hard it is to remove our masks and reveal our true faces…sometimes the image is far less pretty than we would like…hell, sometimes it is even tragically ugly. But even the ugliness has its own beauty. Removing our masks is liberating and strengthening and enlivening…and it is also very, very hard.
Know that I am here for you. I’m sending hugs and lots of love!

Dana said...

Frankie, you are amazing and insightful and full of life. You are brave and aware and obviously facing these experiences with your eyes wide open. I love this.

I have changed my link several times and feel so censored and I hate that. I admire you so much for you THIS IS ME attitude!