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"I would rather be ashes than dust! I would rather my spark burn out in a brilliant blaze than be stifled by dry-rot. I would rather be a meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy, permanent planet. The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time." ~Jack London

Monday, February 06, 2006

Sweet Music

I’ve spent the last few days rekindling my love of music. I spent all of last summer acquiring new songs as my friends, particularly my best friend, began introducing me to new singers and bands I’d never even heard of. I soaked it in, playing things over and over again until they became a part of me. I attended concerts where I didn’t know a single song that was played. I began to fall in love with that feeling of discovering something new.

When my best friend left to spend the year in China, I stopped listening. Every song reminded me of his absence from my life. It was too bittersweet to bear. I still listened to things of course. I can’t drive without the radio on or do monotonous chores without something playing in the background, but that’s all I allowed music to be – background noise. I wasn’t appreciating it for what it was the way I had been all summer. I didn’t feel as though I could allow it to exist without summer, without him. It was our connection.

My mom had bought me an Ipod car adaptor for Christmas, but I let it sit on my shelf until a few days ago. When I finally took it down and began using it, I wasn’t expecting for it to mean anything more than commercial-less music. I wasn’t expecting for every song that began to play to remind me of who I was. I wasn’t expecting to fall in love again.

But I did, and I’m so glad that I did. Yesterday, with no work to attend to, I decided to go for a drive. I just drove aimlessly for hours, listening to the songs I had spent all summer living my life to. I let the outside world dance with the melodies. I watched as the leaves fell in tempo and people laughed along with the lyrics. I came across an open field, and as the sunlight suddenly burst upon it from behind the clouds, the song I was listening to hit its highest peak, welcoming the glory of its perfection. I pulled over to the side of the road and cried.

When I got home, I had an email waiting for me from my best friend. He told me a story about driving along a road in a taxi with a monk he met along his travels. As they drove, an ambient song came on the radio, a song that he described as “the best and most peaceful song in the world.” It went on and on and he told me that it was in that moment that he had reached enlightenment.

I smiled to think that we had unknowingly shared such a moment. He was the one who taught me, after all, how to really hear music, how to let it seep into your mind and heart and soul, how to let it consume you. All summer we danced to those moments of enlightenment, those highest peaks. All summer we danced in their freedom.

When I awoke this morning, I put on my music as I showered and dressed, I listened to it on the car ride to work, I snuck my headphones on during work when things got slow. I spent the day reveling in every note, every syllable. I allowed myself to feel the art and expression behind it all. I allowed myself to feel free. I allowed myself to see my life as the long song that it is, building and building and building towards its highest peak. For now, I can do nothing, but sing along.


Anonymous said...

Sweet music indeed! Don't deny yourself the things that bring joy to your heart. Glad that you rekindled your love of music.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful post.

"When the music's over (3x)
Turn out the lights (3x)
For the music is your special friend,
Dance on fire as it intends
Music is your only friend
... Until the end (3x)"
When the Music's Over - The Doors.

meghan said...

Hi there!!

What a sparkling post this was! When I got my computer I downloaded all of my CDs onto it & had a few weeks of listening, enraptured to the songs I used to love. Every one transported me back to where I was when I loved it the first time. Music works like smells doesn't it? Sigh. Thanks, I'm off to plug in my headphones!!

gkgirl said...

your shared moment made me think
of a quote from the book "fugitive
pieces"...i had to go find it so i
could show you,

"The bond of memory and history when they share space and time. Every moment is 2 moments. Einstein: "...all our judgements in which time plays a part
are always judgements of simultaneous events. If, for instance, I say the train arrived at 7 am, I mean: the small hand of my watch pointing to the
seven and the arrival of the train are silmultaneous events...the time of the event has no exeptional meaning..."
The event is meaningful only if the coordination of time and place is witnessed."

don't ask me why this speaks me to me
so much, i'm not really sure...
(and, in hindsight, i may have paraphrased that a little, i wrote in my "book" in 1999)
here's to witnessing!

MB said...

Sing, Frankie, sing! I'm so glad you allowed yourself to rejoin with music. It's good for the soul, as you know.

Claudia said...

The australian aborigines have 10 comandments and one of them is "you must find music which inspires you, which makes you feel one with the universe". Looks like you´ve found your music!

Jamie said...

Frankie, thank you for the reminder to indulge in the sweet sensual pleasure of music. I'm amazed at how songs take you right back to a certain time, place, mood, as if they imprinted themselves in your DNA. Thanks for sharing the joy!

tara dawn said...

Oh Frankie, this is such a beautiful post. Once again, your spirit is shining through your words, and what a beautiful and life-filled spirit it is.
I'm thinking of you and sending lots of love!!

Annie Z said...

I can totally relate! I am a musician by trade and usually always have my mp3 player with me. But I went through a long phase without listening to music. I guess I spent all day teaching it, I simply wanted peace and quiet when I got home! Now, my passion is back and I am finally delving into the music that I've always been interested in learning about.
Good one, Frankie!

Laini Taylor said...

Sounds wonderful to just take a drive. I can't remember the last time I did something with no goal or destination in mind. It inspires me to go for a hike or something. I'm curious -- what is your friend doing in China? Sounds like a real adventure.