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"I would rather be ashes than dust! I would rather my spark burn out in a brilliant blaze than be stifled by dry-rot. I would rather be a meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy, permanent planet. The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time." ~Jack London

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

The Road Less Traveled

Today I made the decision to change my life. I know that I haven't written for a couple of days, and I apologize for my lack of updates. Everything has just sort of been in limbo lately. I wasn’t sure what my semi-immediate future would look like, where I’d be, what I’d be doing. I was lost and confused and afraid to face that, to admit that to myself.

What I’d been dreading most was sitting down to talk to my mom about taking a semester off from school. It’s not that I thought she’d be angry, or even terribly disappointed really, but I thought she’d say no. I thought she would push hard to make sure my life doesn’t end up like hers. It is a family trait to take the road less traveled, and my family has seen its fair share of sorrows because of it. But she was amazing, as she always is. She talked to me like a grown up, she listened carefully to what I had to say, she took my feelings into consideration. In the end, she told me she just wanted me to be happy. I believe her.

So, the plan as of now is that I won’t be returning to school later this month. Instead, I’m going to India in March for a few months to volunteer and travel and have an adventure. My mood has already blossomed. I’m so excited and happy and thrilled. The feeling derives from both the prospect of such an adventure as well as the final decision I’ve been waiting forever to reach. I think the struggle of what to do has been weighing on me more than I’ve allowed myself to admit. I’m quite sure it was a major contribution in my recent depression.

I feel as though a weight has been lifted from me. I feel better about myself and the world and the direction of my life. I feel a kind of contentment I haven’t felt in a very long time. Yes, it’s risky. Yes, it’s different. Yes, it’s the road less traveled, but that’s what I’ve always wanted. That’s why I left my original college choice, Kalamazoo, to be in a bigger world. I wanted this struggle. I chose this life.

That’s how I want to feel about my life. I want to feel like my success, my failures, my days are my choice. I want to feel in control. Of course I know that having control over my life isn’t always an option, but with every decision that I make I’m that much more satisfied. I don’t have an ultimate destination and I like it that way. What I do have, what I do like, are these choices that I can make. I like the freedom of following my heart wherever it may lead. I like that each time I make the choice to travel down the road less traveled. For surely that will make all the difference.


Unknown said...

I think and adventure is great for life. It's better to travel when you are young, it's easier and you can do more. India will be beautiful i'm sure. I can see why this is so uplifting.
Having something solid to come home to is good too, and you have family I gather since you spoke of your mother. If you choose to go back to school I guess you still would have that option when you got back.
Wow, you will have to keep us updated on India! In march i'm going to the USA, maybe I shall pass you in the skies!! :D
All the best x

Leah said...

Wow! That's sounds so awesome! I'm jealous! :)

gkgirl said...

wow...thats a huge decision
and i'm so excited for you...
i can't wait to experience it
through your eyes and words
(you are going to keep blogging,
right?) heehee

good for you

Michelle said...

I think this is a brilliant idea and you may even be able to do it again after you return to school if you do a foreign exchange program later. My sister did this on and off for all of her college and eneded up going to Switzerland, Bangladesh (right near India), England, Germany, Africa, and Holland just to name a few. Traveling can give you a better idea of the world around you and how you fit into it. Go for it!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your decision! I am sure you will have an amazing adventure. You might not be able to control all that happens in this lifetime but you've discovered an important truth: You always have choice. You always have freedom. Enjoy the road less traveled.

liz elayne lamoreux said...

Frankie - this is just fantastic. You sound like you are taking life day by day and seeking answers to the questions you hear inside you. India will be a fantastic place to examine the questions. Bravo.

Out Of Jersey said...

That sounds incredible. Do you think I can stow away in your luggage?

MB said...

How exciting! I think La Vie en Rose hit the nail on the head: in making this choice you are creating, rather than controlling. The little I know of you indicates that the ability to make a choice based on inspiration, and then follow that choice... which leads to more inspiration... is important to you. Look how it lifted your sense of depression. It is a form of creativity. And whether that takes the form of travelling, or studying something you're passionate about, or writing a novel, or whatever, it's clearly something that feeds you. These things are good to know about oneself. I've spent much of my life figuring out how to feed my soul, so I think you are lucky to be learning this about yourself now.

I hope that we'll be lucky enough to see posts from you during your travels, maybe even pictures. That would be wonderful.