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"I would rather be ashes than dust! I would rather my spark burn out in a brilliant blaze than be stifled by dry-rot. I would rather be a meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy, permanent planet. The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time." ~Jack London

Friday, January 06, 2006

Grateful Friday

I think this is such a nice way to end the work week. Thank you to my fellow bloggers who inspired me to do this. Here's what I'm grateful for today.

My dear friend's 21st birthday today.

Getting to celebrate with her the second it turned midnight.

Getting to celebrate with some other friends who I haven't hung out with in a while.

Getting to do it all again tonight.

A heart to heart talk with my mom.

Finally feeling like I know what I want to do next.

My decision to go to India.

My parents and friends support of my decision.

Getting to return to work until I leave (even if I don't particularly like the job).

The emails I've received from various online pals.

The new friends I met on Tuesday night.

That one of them turned out to be an old friend who I hadn't seen in seventeen years.

The moment we both realized that.

The beautiful weather we've been having.

The long quiet walk I took home last night.

My friend's new home and how much it means to her.

Realizing I have a friend who spends a free day in Borders reading books.

Realizing I have a friend who believes in my future as a writer.

Realizing I have a friend who laughs with me from across the world.

Realizing I have the greatest friends in the world.

Feeling consumed with love.

The prospect of another great week ahead.


Michelle said...

Wonderful. I love reading these greatfulness posts.

Nicole said...

You really show that you're a wonderful person by listing gratitude for other people's good fortune.

Unknown said...

It's good to take time and think of the things we are grateful for. It was certainly a pleasure reading yours. The trip to India sounds so exciting, it will certainly be an experience. Also having family support to go with it helps tremedously! x

snowsparkle said...

Wow! India!!! Awesome!!! I'm so excited for you. When? -- snowsparkle

Lita said...

wow, you have had an incredible weekend...hoping it spills to the next!

intentionally left blank said...

gratitude is very becoming on you

Out Of Jersey said...

It's nice to hear of happy things instead of depressing crap.

liz elayne lamoreux said...

beautiful frankie (I am finally catching up with your last few posts). I love imagining that moment when you and a new acquaintance realized you had been friends years ago. Makes my heart happy to think about it.