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"I would rather be ashes than dust! I would rather my spark burn out in a brilliant blaze than be stifled by dry-rot. I would rather be a meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy, permanent planet. The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time." ~Jack London

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Welcome To March

The first day of March. It ended with this beautiful view from my second floor deck. Sometimes I just stand out there gasping at the natural miracle that is our sky. It never ceases to amaze me.

This morning I found myself in a little artsy cafe downtown. It's fascinating the way I feel so at home in those places, the sudden sense of overwhelming peace that grows within me as I ease through the door. Life seems to slow within their walls; the quiet readers and writers sipping on flavored coffee while the aromas dance about their heads, twirling and mixing with the ideas they’ve begun to let loose. It’s always so exhilarating and calming and utterly beautiful. It was a delightful way to begin March.

The minute I sat down, I realized something was missing. Something had been missing for quite a while now. My journal. In all of the time spent blogging and filling books with poems and quotes and just the daily routines of life in general, I neglected my poor journal. I used to sit down and write every day, sometimes multiple times a day, as often as I could, but these past few months have been more sporadic. I had a few pages left in the latest journal and just let them sit blank upon my shelf. I let the routine drop. I forgot how much I needed it.

Today being the first day of a new month, I decided in the coffee shop to go home and begin writing again, to start fresh and never stop, to write on and on forever. I decided it was the perfect time for a new beginning. Imagine my surprise to walk through the front door and find this waiting for me:

A lovely and wonderful and absolutely perfect journal from Michelle. I was beyond ecstatic. I love the way she seemed to know me better than I knew myself, the way she unknowingly anticipated the exact moment I’d need this. Thank you Michelle. Thank you. Thank you. I love this book so dearly and have already begun to fill its pages with thoughts and ideas and hopes for the future.

After only a few sentences, I fell in love with journals again. I fell in love with the feel of the pen moving across an empty page. I fell in love with the smooth manner in which my thoughts glided beneath my fingertips. I fell back in love with writing.

The purest form of writing. The say what you feel, honesty filled, no going back kind of writing. I hadn’t even fully realized how much I’d been missing it. I used to sit outside beneath the trees writing this way for hours. Everything else in the world seemed to melt away around me, and yet, I’d become so intensely aware of the little details. The way the wind sounded through the trees, the birds interactions with one another, the coolness of the creek cascading over my naked feet. I felt so alive.

This evening I took my journal up onto the deck. I sat beneath the sunset of pinks and purples and oranges. I let the curve of each letter written guide me to the next. I allowed myself to feel alive again. Welcome to March, the world seemed to say, it’s going to be a glorious month.


Jane said...

This is a beautiful post. Makes me wish I was back in Philly with u!I'm sad our plans didnt work out but SO happy that you had such a wonderful day anyways!

Laini Taylor said...

Oh, the glory of a new journal. And what serendipity! Interesting to hear you say you'd slacked a little on journaling because of the blogging. I had been wondering if that might be the case for a lot of bloggers. I myself stopped journaling some time ago, so this is more like a return for me -- though it's very different, to be sure, knowing others will read it.

I've never been to Philadelphia but I hear it's a cool city. I always think of this illusrated autobiography by the children's illustrator Trina Schart Hyman who went to art school there, and the pages where she drew herself and her friend sketching on park benches all wrapped up in scarves with thermoses of coffee.

Laini Taylor said...

Hi Frankie! I just refreshed my blog after leaving you that comment and saw your comments on mine -- how funny to think we were leaving each other comments at the exact same time!

meghan said...

Hi there -

AHHHHHHHH the sheer BLISS of a brand new journal! The joy, the possibility, the feeling of anything being possible, of hours and hours of getting to know yourself and the world around you, the capturing of treasured moments to become memory - sigh!!! I hope you have a wonderful time with it and that it comes back from India almost FULL!!

alan said...

When I still worked the assembly line I kept a little notebook to write in when something "set me off" be it a new story on NPR or something I read in the New Yorker. I still write a bit sometimes, but not nearly as often or well...

Glad you fell in love with it again!


Somnambulist Seeker said...

Hey Frankie:
You are so obviously wired for writing that it's no wonder your journal has been such a big part of your life.

Some activities we do (even for our own benefit) feel like work... while others feel much more like slipping into a warm bath. It sounds like your coffee shop and your journal fit in the latter category.

gkgirl said...

what sweetness
and surprise

and it is beautiful
besides that...


hollibobolli said...

That is a gorgeous picture - what a lovely way to start the day.

You know, with the amazing writing you do on your blog.. you should print each month the way I do.. and have it bound into it's own little journal!

The soul of a dreamer.. the soul of a writer.

daringtowrite said...

What beautiful gifts. Your new journal and your writing.

liz elayne lamoreux said...

that journal is gorgeous. i am so glad that you have fallen in love with journaling again.
welcome to march...i love that.

Unknown said...

gorgeous pic! Are you in India yet? I have been a little off keeping up with all. :)

Annie Z said...

So glad you found your journalling again.
What a wonderful gift you received. And how heartwarming that you have a friend who knows you so well.

Michelle said...

Happy March and happy journaling to you.