I took a deep breath. I bit my tongue. I went outside for some fresh air and perspective.
But when I came back inside and felt no better, I wondered how I could have let things get to this point. I wondered why I have spent the last few weeks denying my frustration, internalizing it, attributing it to one of my own many faults. I wondered why I have allowed this act to become such a habit. I wondered why I deny myself my emotions.
Not the happy ones, not joy or gratitude or awe. I know how to feel those. I know how to feel them more deeply and profoundly than most I have come across. I know what it means to be so filled with light and love that you feel as though at any moment you may burst with exuberant bliss. I know how to give myself permission to be happy.
It's annoyance, frustration, anger, sadness that are the problem. It's asking for help. It's admitting to myself that it's possible for bad things to happen that aren't my fault. It's reminding myself that I am human and that entitles me to feel the bad along with the good, the pain along with the joy, the imperfections along with the moments of divine transcendence. My humanness entitles me to my mistakes. It entitles me to tears and screams and pain. It entitles me to everything that life has to offer.
Why is that so hard to remember? Why is it that the moment I begin to feel frustrated or angry, I reflect it back upon myself? Why am I so quick to assume that it's something wrong with me?
I repeat this pattern over and over again. Then weeks have passed -- months, years. Then it seems too late to say anything. When I bottle it up, it grows, it evolves, it becomes this ocean of rage in which I drown. If I choose instead to share my frustrations, I then carry the heaviness of guilt that only gossiping can bring. Often the admitting of such ill feelings only makes me feel worse, feel more stuck, feel weak and helpless and unwilling to take the next step. Sometimes I don't know how I'll ever escape this cycle of guilt.
I am so tired of feeling guilty. I am tired of regrets. I am tired of allowing myself to feel like the bad guy in every scene, of stepping aside from people who are more self-assured, of being suffocated beneath my own self-doubt. I am so tired of being angry. I am so tired of wanting to be someone else, of wishing my life looked differently than it does, of trying to escape myself. I am so tired of denying myself things that I want and need and deserve. I am so tired of feeling undeserving. I am so tired of running away. I am so tired of hiding. I am so tired of carrying all the should haves, would haves, could haves. I am so tired of feeling the weight of things that went unspoken. I am so tired of feeling the constant nagging of the alternate version of me that I was supposed to be. I am so tired of feeling like a walking failed expectation.
I think of those moments bursting with joy. I reflect on those days so filled with light. I take a deep breath and fill my heart with their hopeful promises of brighter days, days when my soul doesn't feel quite so tired, days when I am awake, and alive, and lacking a single thing to vent about.
Oh dear Frankie, maybe remembering yesterday's signs of Spring may help a little but, if not, that is ok too. Acknowledging all of ourselves - embracing the shadow as well as the light - must be some essential part of the human journey or lesson I suppose. I do know that three long slow deep breaths always bring some peace in the middle of my storms :)
Oh, I hear you. And feel you. And understand all too deeply the frustrations you're writing about -- and the even darker frustration of not being able to fix yourself. And, well, once I figure out the magic solution, I'll be sure to let you know. :)
my first thought is just to say this: letting it out is so good.
last week i kept thinking about this phrase "i just want to dropkick all of it out of my life." there was so much going on that i just didn't want to deal with...people pulling at me all over the place and me just feeling like shit about it over and over again.
the guilt...the what we could have done/been/said...we see them for what they are, but maybe we can just find a way to say, "hello, i see you guilt...i see you. but i am going to just step around you today." maybe we can.
know that i am cheering you on...
on those dreadful days, set your oven timer for fifteen minutes, give yourself over completely to feeling like a failed everything, and when the timer goes off, get up, go out, and do something glorious. When the nagging feelings come back, remind yourself you've already felt bad about that and no longer have to spend time in fretting over the shoulds and oughts and mustn'ts. Or - set your timer again.
Hi Frankie,
Yes I definitely get those days. I love Pauline's advice of the timer to let yourself feel those feelings then go on to the positives of who you are. Having an outlet like this is so important to get out all those frustrations. Hope you are feeling better. :-)
wow. i hear you loud and clear. it's *incredibly* comforting to know that i am not alone in those feelings. thank you for putting such eloquent words to emotions that are hard to acknowledge but so very real. x
I'm not sure how I stumbled across your blog, but just wanted to thank you for this eloquent, touching post. Thanks for your honesty.
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