We got the house!! All that worrying for nothing. That's the nice thing about wishing and hoping and dreaming -- sometimes you get exactly what you want. Some people are just that lucky. I am grateful to be one of them.
Here it is, although these pictures really don't do it justice. I promise to post some of my own when it's officially ours.
I have less than no time, but I wanted to share this for those who have been inquiring along the journey. Thanks for caring about this little life of mine. For that too, I am so grateful.
I will post more later. For now, I just want to write, to sing, to shout HIP HIP HOORAY!!!
FRANKIE!!! so happy for you!!! how exciting; it's adorable and i can't wait to see your pics once you add you touch to it!
Frankie, that is wonderful!!!!!!!!!!! Conratulations! The house looks fabulous. I especially love the basement. I am so happy for you :-D
It's GORGEOUS! I love, love, love the red dining room, and the little back patio is adorable. I'm super excited for you. Congratulations!
oh frankie ~ it is delightful!
like ruby, i too can't wait to see pics of it again when you move in and your amazing energy fills the place! buying a {home} is just super exciting ~ congratulations!
it is so beautiful!!! i love the colors, and it's got some serious curb appeal. yay for houses!
p.s. don't let the stress get to you. ;-D
Adorable cute house. I know you'll make it even cuter. Congratulations!
WOOOOOO HOOOOOOO!! how exciting. so this was the one! you are blessed. congratulations, and we will all look forward to seeing more of your new home soon. thanks for the link - i like the nice area outside you will have to enjoy breakfast on warm spring days! this house looks plenty spacious with so much decorating potential. you will have so much fun pulling it all together. our guest bedroom is the color of your dining room. i love it! all the linens are crisp white eyelet. what a wonderful time in your life, frankie!
WOW!!!!!! Your house is adorable and will be even more beautiful when you add your personal creativity to it. I'm so happy and excited for you!!!!!
Oh Frankie - YAY for YOU!!!! I'm so proud of you and happy for you! I can't wait for you to show us as you build your nest!!!
hurray for you!!!!
i'm so behind and yet, so excited!!!
it is a sweet house,
so many inviting details...
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